Favorite Words/Phrases:
"No" - said casually like he can't be bothered
-Poppy, home...Nonni, home...Daddy, work
-Cars, beep beep
-five six seven
-blue (every color is blue...such a boy)
-hug, mwa (kiss)
-Boo boo
-Nummy nummy (I want food)
-Sorry (when forced)
Favorite Song: The Wheels on the Bus
Favorite Foods: Anything sweet (he has his mother's sweet tooth)
juice (said with mouth in "O" for a full minute)
Favorite movies/shows: Cars (thanks to Poppy)
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Handy Manny
* Today, while watching Mickey, he named several of the characters during the "roll call"!
Favorite Activities: dancing, singing, reading books, painting or coloring, playing with his friends. playing with trains or cars, jumping in puddles
Things to Show Off: Labels pictures in books, body parts, people
Waves and says hello or goodbye to everyone on the street when we are walking.
Hugs other kids in what we refer to as a "Love fest" when he is really happy.
Eats all of his lunch at day care when he's there.
Does the motions to The Wheels on the Bus and some other songs.
Sleeps in a big boy bed, pretty much through the night (even though we have changed time zones once again!).
Often points to his diaper and says poo-poo when he has gone.
Sits on the potty several times a day (He has never gone on it, but laughs like hell when he toots).
Things we would like to sweep under the rug: He sometimes hits his parents or friends when he wants something and isn't getting it. (He's almost 2...that's what we're banking on).
Goes into the cabinets by himself in search of a sweet treat.
What can we say? Jeremy and I are more smitten than ever with out little angel!