Sunday, February 21, 2010

We Heart Cookies!

For Valentine's Day, Nonnie sent homemade (hee hee hee..ahem...I almost got that out without laughing) cookies, along with a decorating kit. We had a chance to sit down and decorate this weekend, and had a blast. These pictures confirm that our children most definitely come from me and Jeremy. Between Carson shoving the cookies into his face before I could even get the toppings out, and Brady concentrating like he's taking the SATs, both of their parents are spoken for through the boys' behaviors.

The Bougie Boys

First of all, I had to look up how to spell "Bougie" online (a word that Amanda once used to describe Jeremy because he claims that Whoppers are a white trash candy) and found that it has a double meaning. The first: aspiring to be of a higher class that you are (urban dictionary) and the second: a small tube inserted into the intestine during surgery. You can all guess which meaning I am going for here. In the middle pictures, Carson decided that he was going to read himself a book, so he assumed the position we would normally use for reading books in bed at bedtime. Funny kid.
The boys are each becoming funnier every day in their own ways. Carson wants to do whatever Brady does, and often gets himself into trouble. And Brady thinks that he will get some extra sympathy if he cries like Carson once in a while. Carson can't stand when Brady is getting attention, so if Brady gets hurt and cries, Carson will also pretend to cry and ask for a hug. He has also learned the art of boxing Brady out where parental hugs are concerned. It's funny...most of the time.
Brady has made a habit of repeating what Jeremy and I say, so we are having to be really careful. Before he answers me he says, "Ummm, let me think....yeah." or "that's AWWWWWWEsome". It's really funny, but totally forces me to think about what kind of person I am.
We are really excited for any visitors that we have in the coming months so that you can all come see for yourselves.