Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nonni's Haunted Visit

OK, so the boys are way more likely to make you want to squeeze their cheeks than make you want to run away and sell your house, but I have a good chuckle every time we put Carson in his skeleton shirt or PJ's. He is the chubbiest "skeleton" I have ever seen! We had a great time with Nonni visiting, and cant' wait to get spoiled a little more around the holidays!

Carson is Walking!

While I was hoping that maybe he would hold off for a few months so that I wouldn't have to worry about too many bumped heads just yet, Carson has decided that he would rather walk than mess around on the floor any longer. He has also decided that he prefers to feed himself with his own spoon. I really don't know why he needs me anymore. Oh, yes I do. I am around to clean up the mess he leaves in his wake.

We are very proud of him...almost as proud as he is of himself!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Dancin' Kind of Family

There has been undeniable proof throughout the past 3 years that Brady loves to dance. We have caught it on video, in pictures, and those of us who are truly lucky get to see his sick moves in live action. Well, hold on to your hats suckas because Carson has joined this family of dancers (Jeremy excluded of choice). If you want to see the moves live, you need to come visit us!