If you have ever seen The Goonies, you get this video. Otherwise, I don't really know what else to say. Is my parenting questionable?
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Touchdown Dance
My quirky children: Brady has taken to naming animals after other animals. For example, the horse on the way home from school has been lovingly (albeit confusingly) named Goldfish, while his goldfish are named Cat and Dog (Mrs. Wishy-washy passed away last week, God rest her little fishy soul). Carson says no, even when he means yes, and his arms look like a football coach giving orders from the sideline every time I ask him to say please (he doesn't like to miss out on a snack just because he finds sign language confusing). But, no one can ever accuse my children of not being All-American. They love to play football around the house, and they have learned, from a young age, the importance of...The Touchdown Dance.
Rodeo Video
I think that we all know my true feelings about the Texas culture, but even I got into the festivities. Don't mock me...I guarentee you would have been busting out in a line dance, too.
Shout "Yeehaw" to God
Sometimes, I just have days when I realize how much fun it is to be a parent. On Friday, the day of Brady's school rodeo parade, I had one of those days. Not only did I get to hear my child shout Yeehaw to God, I also got see him attempt to dance to country music and complete dance moves a mere 10 seconds after the teachers. It was adorable, funny, and I can't wait for next years!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Dancin' Underpants and Kung Fu Fighting
I seriously did NOT post this video to make everyone jealous of Carson's Elmo underwear.
Captain Underpants!
A Laugh a Minute
Monday, March 8, 2010
Brady Plays Soccer: Take 2
Changing Every Day
Carson has learned a lot of new "words" including: Bye-bye, Pop-pop (pa-pa), Nona, hot, stop, no no no no no no no no (even when he means yes), Uh-oh, ta da!, cow, moo, quack (cack cack), oink (ink), and woof.
Brady is learning to repeat everything that he hears other people say, sometimes placing his momma in awkward positions. He loves the song "Imma Be" by the Black Eyes Peas and frequently holds after-dinner dance parties in the living room. The kid has moves, even though he has decided that he no longer wants to take ballet lessons. He is getting so old, and we are really working on making him more independent...he'll be babysitting Carson and driving himself to school in no time.
These boys are really keeping us on our toes these days!