We will be coming home in a few weeks, but Brady has changed so much since we have been home last, that I thought I might fill everyone in so that they recognize him! First of all, he has a head full of hair, not visible in most pictures. NOT! (Does anyone say that anymore?) But really, Brady seems to be learning faster than I can keep up with him. The other night, he overheard another mother asking her son to find his nose, and Brady pointed to his own nose. I didn't even know that he knew that...you know?! He also knows the signs for more, please, thank you, milk, and want. I hadn't intended to teach him signs, but when he learned the first one basically on his own, I decided that I would be a better mother if I made an effort. He is saying some words, but unreliably...he is usually a chatterbox in the bathtub, then won't repeat what he has said later. He has said truck, duck, train, turtle, and otherwise he has babbled the same number of syllables of the word that I asked him to say (doggy=doh uh). Physically, Brady is all over the place. He is becoming very hard to keep up with, and is headstrong (where does he get that from?). When he wants to go outside, he will stand by the door and point to the knob. If I won't open it, he stamps his feet, then throws himself on the floor, and tries to cry (no tears, just a very pouty face). He looks so cute when he does it that I have to laugh...does that make me a bad mother? Well, that's enough bragging on my part. If you can't brag to your family and friends about your only child, who CAN you brag to?! The rest, everyone will have to see for themselves. You are all in for such a treat!