Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Weighty Situation

At Carson's recent 4-month check-up, we learned that he dropped from the 85th to the 50th percentile for his weight (he is now about 15.5 pounds). The doctor said it was nothing to be concerned about, but, of course, us Italians are wired to worry about how much our children eat. I have felt like Carson is a "good eater" since the day he was born, so I was a little stumped as to how he could not be keeping up his bulk. Well, after careful consideration, and assessing the situation in retrospect through photos, I can see that Carson is not actually CONSUMING as much food as is being given to him. Honestly, if I could find a way to measure the amount of food on his face, hands, clothes, and seat (not to mention all over me), it would probably equal at least half of what started out in the bowl. Feeding him is truly a giant task. Half the time I just strip him down to a diaper before diving in! The kid is an enthusiastic eater, but I will be really happy when he learns that letting me use the spoon will get more food in his belly.

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