For those of you who are too far away to visit, here is a little Brady update: He is saying many more words and word approximations (actually, I would call them syllables...the sounds aren't usually right!), when you ask him what a cow, pig, and sheep say, he will answer in his own way. He also tries to make a fish face when you ask him what a fishie does. It's very cute! He climbs all kinds of things (like into his high chair when he is hungry), he is also able to go up the steps to a slide, and get his feet in front of him before he goes down...although, that doesn't stop him from going down head first sometimes (I knew that my preschool teacher training would come in handy as a parent!). Brady LOVES to dance, he shakes his little tooshie (refer to under videos), and now, he puts his two index fingers in the air and shakes them up and down. He has also started to like watching TV a little bit more. He is usually allowed to watch at the end of the day when he is tired and he loves The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He has named himself Bubba by pointing to himself in pictures. He also calls "Mommy", and when he says "ma ma", it means "more". He has a little bit of a temper, and is going through a little bit of a hitting stage when another child takes a toy that he is playing with (what?!...not OUR Brady!). When you ask him where his "big fat belly" is, he points to it, as well as his nose (which he usually ends up picking) and his ears. AND...if you think things can't get any better than that...when he toots or belches, he giggles at himself! What a sense of humor...what a BOY!
Jeremy and I are constantly in awe of how quickly he and his friends learn new things. We love him so much, love spending time with him, and LOVE how funny he is! How did we get so blessed?! We are really looking forward to having everyone see how he is growing and changing...if not now, then over Christmas!