Saturday, August 18, 2007

Suddenly, a 2-year-old!

Gone are the days of walking past a fair, playground, or, well, anything that looks fun, without having to stop! During our vacation, we saw several fair rides and many other attractions meant for children, and Brady let us know each time that he wanted a turn! If we tried to walk past the carosel (pictured at the top), he pointed, cried out, became a wet noodle, and generally threw a fit until we let him ride, or got out of eye-shot. What made it interesting was that the carosel was at the center of town, leaving few ways to get around it without Brady seeing! He also spent time on several playgrounds in each city where we stayind, and a huge kiddie playland (pictured at the bottom) with tons of air-filled bouncy things, and cars to scoot around in! He had a great time, and so did we. We just can't believe that he's actually old enough now to want to do these happened so fast!

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